


    Every person wants to live a good, comfortable and happy life. Education is a means which brings positive changes in a person’s behavior and actions and helps him live a happy life.
    But how will this happen? How to get this education? Education can be obtained in two ways: formal and informal.
    Schools are considered the main centers for formal education. What are schools? Is it just a building with various learning support facilities or is it a place where students and teachers come and meet? In fact, school is a place where knowledge is created through various programs, such knowledge which the learners can use in their life to live a happy life. This can be understood like this
    Centre Place creation Use Education, School, Programmes , Knowledge, happy Life
    Education brings positive changes in a person’s behavior, but how? It is a process in which small objectives have to be accomplished to achieve the larger goal. What are those objectives of education?
    Through education we expand knowledge, develop various skills, acquire life values and manifest them in daily life and thus changes our behavior.
    Basic objectives of education—- 1. Expansion of knowledge 2. Development of skills 3. Acquire and manifestation of life values.
    What is knowledge?
    Misconception: Sometimes information considered as knowledge. We give the status of knowledge only to the information mentioned in books which we acquire or memorize it.
    Knowledge cannot be obtained only through teaching, but acquiring knowledge is synonymous with learning. There is a need to focus on learning more than teaching in schools, hence learning should be at the core of the entire schooling process.
    There is also a misconception about learning that once someone has memorized it, he is considered to have learned it. Is memorizing of facts really learning?
    Learning is also a process which we can understand as
    Knowing, Understanding, Analysis, Application of knowledge
    This learning process should be nurtured by mutual interaction with various stake holders of the society like students, parents, teachers, other members of the society and various institutions.
    As a team we are determined to educate the students in the right perspective.